octobre 2024


Petit jeu : trouvez les neuf différences

In English: find the 9 differences

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Another year, another move, another post

​French version below

We arrived in Northland 20 months ago, and I firmly believed that we would stay there until the next big trip (2021 in the latests plans). We have had some great times in Northland, but while I had a great job, Tomtom couldn’t find one… until he started to work for Team New Zealand 9 months ago. Which is a great opportunity, and a lot of fun, but Team New Zealand …

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Objectif numéro 1 : c’est fait

(English version below)

Ceux qui suivent le blog de près se souviendront de nos résolutions de début d’année. Voici donc notre premier article écrit de Marsden Cove, une marina proche de Whangarei.

On devrait prendre des bonnes résolutions plus souvent : ça marche… J’ai dégotté le boulot auquel j’avais postulé à Whangarei, on a fait un pique-nique de départ d’Auckland, dit bye bye à la crèche et au Buckland Beach Yacht Club, loué notre ponton, …

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Happy New Year !

(English version below)

Petit article bilingue pour souhaiter à tous nos lecteurs une très bonne année 2013, remplie de projets, de rêves, de bonnes nouvelles, de petits et de gros plaisirs et de rires.

Schnaps s’est récemment offert un petit tour dans le Golfe d’Hauraki et même côté Coromandel mais l’appareil photo était en vacances donc on n’a pas grand-chose à vous offrir, en revanche un de nos amis, Alan, a fait une vidéo de …

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How much does it cost?

Just for Kyal, Johannes and Luca, here is the translation in English of the article we published a few months ago on the cost of our sailing trip from France to New Zealand.

After all, this can also be useful to other people who would have the idea to go sailing around the world, in order to know how much money they have to save. And we have not spent some time to write down …

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Last leg towards Auckland

Of course we were sad to leave the Bay of Islands and all the very nice people we met during our stay in Opua, Russel and Pahia, but we had to move South if we really wanted to start looking for a job. As we have already written it, we do not really like big towns, but in order to find two jobs at the same place it is easier to be where potential employers …

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New Zealand

As we said in our last article, we picked the first weather « porthole » to sail from Lautoka, Fiji to Opua, New Zealand. Leaving on the 12th of September, we were supposed to have 2 days of moderate South-East trades, followed by the crossing of a small high – which we expected to travel Eastwards and generate nice North-East or North winds – and the traditional front between 25°S and 30°S. We knew it …

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Open letter to the Kingdom of Tonga and the Republic of Fiji

(Lettre ouverte au Royaume de Tonga et à la République de Fiji, traduction en français à la suite de l’original en anglais)

Dear Sir or Madam, Tongian and Fijian administrators,

As the two owners of S/Y Schnaps and having cruised in Tongian and Fijian waters, we take the liberty of writing this open letter to the administrations of your countries.

Indeed, if the Fijian and Tongian archipelagos seem really attractive from the outside, and their …

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The Fiji Islands

We were not really in a hurry to leave the friendly Ha’apai Islands, so different from what we saw of the Kingdom of Tonga in Tongatapu, but the weather window was there: 25 to 30 knots of South-East turning East, this was perfect to cross the 450 miles gap to the Fiji in less than 3 days… So did we, after a pleasant downwind passage with our 2 jibs set as a butterfly’s wings.

We …

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Kingdom of Tonga – or welcome in Administrative Kingdom

Foreword by Tomtom : Please accept our apologies for the harsh words sometime used in the following article to describe the slight disappointments we encountered during our stay in Tonga, but it seems that Clairette remembers them quite well and did not appreciate them … at all !

After a pleasant passage from the Society Islands with a stop in Beveridge Reef to let two big fronts pass over us, we decided to make landfall …

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